prayer journal

Your truth VS God’s truth

Wow! I just watched this amazing talk called  “Your truth VS God’s truth” by Sadie Robertson Huff. I just wanted to write down my thoughts before I forgot them. Sadie inspired me a lot when she talked about God, she not only has passion and enthusiasm, she brings the truth to light.

We are in a century and generation where people stand up for their personal truths and believe that truth is relative to our personal beliefs, and that truth is essentially subjective. But that is such a scary thought, and if carried out to practice this can make the world so unstable, particularly if the truth can change depending on a person’s feelings, emotions, circumstances, etc.

Jesus is the truth

I love how Sadie talks about the story in the Bible where Pilate (Roman Governor at the time) questioned Jesus and found Jesus is not guilty when Pilate tried to let the pharisee and the crowd know that there is a way according to ancient traditions where they can set one prisoner free during a particular festival. The crowd yelled they want Barabbas who was a robber and killer to be set free instead of Jesus. The story ends with Pilate letting Barabbas go as the crowds’ wished and Jesus ended up on the Cross.

Umm … really? A minute ago, Pilate knew the truth that Jesus is innocent and there is no grounds to hold him guilty, however, with the crowd and the rule of the majority, Pilate shifted his belief, and Jesus was charged as if he is guilty, which is not the real truth.

As people, we are like the Pharisees and we get uncomfortable with the truth claimed by God because we want to stay in a comfortable position and our own beliefs that make us feel comfortable. However, knowing God’s truth often requires us to change, to turn away from our beliefs and action and repent and move toward God. This is challenging and uncomfortable for many people because that is not the way we used to think and believe, however, Jesus says “the truth will set you free”.

The truth is God’s truth, the truth about God sending his only son Jesus to come to this world and die for us, for our sin/guilt/ shame/brokenness. And Jesus has resurrected from the grave 3 days after being buried, and this resurrection shows that he is the true living God that we can trust. Not only does God have power beyond the grave, but God also has the power to set us free. Therefore, when we believe in God, we are believing the truth, because God is the truth, the truth that set us free from our sin, guilt, brokenness, and bondage.  God is the truth that set us free.

truth will set you free

And, do you want to know another truth?

This truth is God loves you! God loves you and me! God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us, for our sin and brokenness, so that we can have a relationship with God. When we choose God, we choose freedom and can live a life that is free from bondage and lie, and live the life that God has intended for us to live.

When people declare their truths, it makes them feel powerful; but, when we declare God’s truth, we are saying we know we are not powerful, but our God is so powerful. And when we declare God’s truth in our lives, we declare freedom, which is empowered by God, rooted in our knowledge of knowing the truth about God.

Jesus is love

This is my prayer for myself and my family and friends

“Dear Heavenly Father,

You are the truth, you are the truth that will set me free from the bondage and lies the world has weighed upon me. Oh Lord, I pray that you will give me the wisdom to discern your truth from my truth because I often feel I am not enough and not qualified to do the things you have to call me to do. Lord, I pray that your truth will be rooted in me, in my life, and in my thinking, so I can discern the lies that come at me because those lies are here to kill, steal, and destroy the wonderful life you have called me to live out for your glory and your kingdom.

God, I pray for all my family and friends that although we are all under the influence of social media, I pray that you will protect us, and remind us to guard our hearts so we may not fall into the temptation of believing the wrong truths about ourselves and you.

Lord, I pray for your protection over me right now, as I believe there is Satan waging war against the promised life you call me to. Recently I feel defeated, frustrated, and even a bit lost at your calling in my life. I pray that your truth and your word will continue to be rooted in me and I will be able to walk the life you have called me to live.

I pray in Jesus’s precious name, Amen. “

pray to God