prayer journal

In the season of waiting – A heart of worship

Are you currently in a season waiting? I know that I have been there so often, and it sometimes feels like when one season of waiting is over, the next one soon arrives. I have learned through the years now that the waiting season is hard, but much goodness can come of it. It is challenging to be patient and wait on God’s time, and sometimes I feel discouraged and disappointed, but God always shows himself to me in the middle of my disappointment. Whether he answers my prayer or not, God always helps me to grow closer to him and grow in a certain area in my life, and this I think is the best part of waiting. The waiting season can be short or long, but God knows all along what he wants me to learn and grow from.


I love hearing other people’s testimony, and from Sadie’s recent Podcast – Crazy love stories + seeing the sign from God, Sadie discusses the story of her friend Elyse, I feel so much in common and relate to their journey. Elyse shares about the people during her college years who have told her directly that she will not find a perfect guy who does not party, does not drink, and is close to God, this gave her fear and she believed that the statement may be true, that she may not find that perfect guy. Sadie herself shared that there were also people she dated before who told her she would not find a guy that will treat her as well as they did. Sadie also has fear because we can fear vulnerability in the waiting season. However, praise the Lord that his love is more powerful than the fear and lies in our life, and we can firmly choose God, and believe in God’s promises even when we are afraid.

The Lord our savior has declared that “for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

I remember my sister giving me this scripture written on my birthday card in 2020. I was having lots of fear and doubt at that time, especially when I ended my 4 years of relationship with the guy I was dating, suddenly feeling lost about the future because I thought I had planned everything out for the future. This scripture reminded me that God plans to give me hope and a future, although I may not know what the future looks like, I know exactly who holds my future.

hope and future

God has taught me to walk with him during the season of waiting, and I admit it’s not always easy, but I learned to have faith even before I see God’s promises. I remember I was praying for my future husband even when I was not dating anyone, I remember reading scripture and praying out loud and reminding myself of God’s promises. I was reminding myself of all the blessings and good things that God has done for me and my family, and how God helped my family overcome the adversity of being a new immigrant in Canada.

Our God indeed is the God of timing, and he is intentional in our waiting season. 2 months ago, I got to marry my wonderful husband who is the dream of my life, the most patient, considerate, and gentle person I know. Wow, God amazes me every time he shows mercy and does a miracle in my life.  God healed me from my emotional train wreck and give me a partner that is so understanding and supportive in the way I need him to be. I feel that God truly knows my need, and this person is exactly what I needed. God is so intentional when choosing to bring my husband into my life, and I am thankful and feel blessed every single day when looking into my husband’s eye knowing that he is a gift from God.

waiting for Mr. right

I am 31 years old now, and I always imagined that I would be married around 28 and have kids by now. But life just doesn’t always turn out how I imagined, and I am so glad that I was not married at 28, because I would have missed out on the most wonderful guy that God prepared for me. And even though I still want kids very much, I know there is always something God wants me to learn during this, and in every season of waiting. I pray that God will not follow my plan in life, because it may be boring and underwhelming. I am looking forward to all the adventures that God has prepared for me, and I am just excited to see what God will do in and through me.

My prayer for my friends and family:

“Dear Heavenly Father,

I admit that waiting is hard, and I still struggle in seasons of waiting. But Lord, I know you are in control, and I am so thankful that you are in control of my life, because life can get out of control sometimes, and I desperately need you. So Lord, right now I want to give my life to you for you to control, and I pray that my friends and families will also learn to give you control of their lives. Lord, you have promised plans to prosper us and plans to give us hope and a future. Sometimes we may get lost in the ocean of social media telling us where we should be in life and how should our lives look like, but Lord, I pray that you will speak the truth and give us guidance in life so that we will walk alongside you, and not miss out on any blessings and adventures you have in store for us.

Jesus, you understand how the trend of the world can sweep us away from hearing your truth and we may fall into the lies that make us feel shame, guilt, disappointment, and broken. But Jesus, we know you are here for us, may you give us peace and comfort, and show us a way to walk towards a meaningful life, a life full of your abundant blessings.

I also want to pray that the Holy Spirit will be with each one of us as we walk in the season of waiting. I pray that the Holy Spirit would give us peace, patience, joy, and comfort as we wait for an answer, sign, or miracle. Give us faith to continue waiting because Jesus said that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move a mountain. I pray for all my friends and family that no matter what kind of storm they are facing in life, they will have faith that moves mountains in life.

I pray this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”